Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I have been slacken....

So first things first it has been a while since I have made a post. I suck, I know, but big things are happening. First things first I am so stoked that I bought a ticket to Orlando for their screening of The Revival. I can't wait to get back to the sunshine state. I am going to be traveling with my good friend Brad Pickens, who used to dwell in the 407. If all goes well, I hope to ride with some of the dudes from the 407 fixed. Their blog is pretty dope.

This weekend is Friday the 13th! If you don't have any plans and want to do something, check out this party in Louisville! Its going to be warehouse style with some pretty legit DJ's including Action Jackson.

Saturday I am taking myself down to Bloomington to check out Heavy GUN's very own, Grey Granite with Andy D. If you haven't ever had the chance to check out Andy D you need to, some of the funniest shit I have ever seen.

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